
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dishwasher Marries Hollywood Legend

So, I guess I didn't tell you that my blog is going to sometimes be very random. I am a very random person and sometimes share things that come out of the blue. At least, I, like to pretend they are exciting things. To me they are or I wouldn't be sharing =).

Anyways, to get on with the story, I had a hard week. My morning was full of packing lunches, making eggs and toast, hurrying kids out the door to make it to school in time, and then a few things happened to make me want to cry. Sometimes, as a mom, it AIN'T easy!!! I just kind of had one of those mom moments where you think, "Why do I do this again? Why did I have children?!" I know that may sound crazy to some of you mothers out there but I know a few who would be honest enough to admit to me they have had that conversation with himself! Don't get me wrong, having children is the most amazing thing and I love them more than life but a lot of us have those moments. Dealing with the tantrums, potty training, talking back(kindergarten it starts!), and all the other pains are troublesome but the joys definitely overdo them. I can go on and on about the joys but I will never continue my story! The point to start with is that today started off with me thinking about the pains!

As I dropped my oldest off at Kindergarten and finished up with an appointment, I hurried to my last errand at the Cadillac dealer to have something checked on my vehicle. I dropped my car off and entered the waiting area and sat down as I thought about how hard kids, marriage, and life in general just is. I was a little sad this morning and had a l lot on my mind. We all have ups and downs but this was a definite down. Anyways, a few seconds after I sat, a man around 85 years old, named Darol Wayne Carlson sat down next to me and changed my outlook on life.

Darol Wayne Carlson could have sat anywhere in this room but he chose the chair right next to me. "Hi, How are you today!" he says. He was so cheerful and full of life at 85 years old that I could not help but become curious about him. I did the same thing you did to anyone who asks how your day is and made small talk. I was honestly just hoping my car would get there so I could leave. Then Darol starts asking lots of questions about what I did for a living, where I lived, and about my kids. He was so interested in me. Usually, I just make the small talk and then go on my way, but there was something about this man's kind eyes that made me want to stay, listen, and forget all about the car that was waiting outside at this point. Maybe the fact he wanted to hear about me and didn't even know me. The fact that this man was genuinely interested in meeting me, getting to know me. This is quite untypical for Los Angeles. Now I was interested in Darol. He had drawn me in. Something so loving and kind about this man. He had asked me all the questions about my life, and now it was time to hear a little about him. So I asked. Darol started with, "I'm a dishwasher who married a Hollywood legend." I was thinking to myself after that comment that he must have lost it. I had no clue what this man was talking about. He goes on to tell me that his wife of fifty years, the red head, love of his life, had died years ago and it was sad. Then I was thinking, "Oh no! I don't need any more sad today!". Then he continues the story telling me about how after his wife died, he was watching television and recognized a former movie star he met, the Hollywood legend, Rhonda Fleming. He went on telling me how he had once seen Rhonda with his wife and told the movie star that he was dying to introduce his wife to his "other favorite redhead"(obviously referring to her). He told me when he saw Rhonda, it brought back old memories and he decided to write her. His daughter told him that she probably would not get it because Rhonda gets so many fan emails and letters on a daily basis. He told me that he had always been a go-getter and he went for it! Well, it ends up that this sweet old man, Darol Wayne Carlson, owner of a dishwasher company, won the heart of this Hollywood legend over through his letter and coffee date, and they have been married ever since! He tells me that they are so happy and in love and tells me so much about her. He is truly so happy! He brought out the wallet pictures and everything. I have never seen a man talk so much about how happy he was. He was beaming! At the same time, he wanted to know about me. One of the kindest men. We finished up our conversation, I give him my information, and we went our separate ways.

Anyways, point of the story. I was so focused on myself and my pains that I didn't let the joys of life be the main focus. As you can see by my first paragraph, my personality is sometimes, "The grass is always greener" and I can tend to focus on the pains. I am learning to be joyful and thankful for life! This man is in his last years yet I have never seen a more joyful, full of life person! He talked about his 10 great grandchildren, his grandchildren, his children, his gratefulness to be married to a beautiful wife of fifty years, and then when that ended, how God gave him another beautiful wife. He was just continuing to share the "JOYS" of his life and not one sorrow story. He felt blessed and lucky to have lived this life. I also later looked he and his wife up online and saw that they have strong Christian faith. The fact that he never once had to mention this "faith" to me but I could see it in him is what I was referring to in my first blog post. This is REAL faith to me. In conclusion, It is way more than the fact that he was a dishwasher that married a movie star. He was a good, happy man that was blessed from being content with what he had. I believe we get small miracles and blessings when we live like this. This man was a God send to me today. Thank you, Darol, for making me think a lot and evaluate my life. I have so many joys!!

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